Tuesday, March 22, 2011

So It Goes.

And the tally is as follows:
Opal has said her first unprompted sentence.
She's taken her first steps, and continues to perfect the navigating of space with the trotting physique of a puppy, yet vertical. With opposable thumbs.
Sitting Up, Rolling over, Crawling, First Words, all seem miles away.
Like music I can recall only the chorus to, and hum the rest.

My wonderful mama-friend Tiffany said it so beautifully (so beautifully, in fact, that I'm sure I've quoted it before) when she said: kids never look back.
The twittering ache of nostalgia lives in the minds of parents only.
Not to say I want to go backas (as Opal would say) in order to relish these moments, because now they would be second-hand and in the annoying company of hindsight from having already been there.

What I would like to do is protect the phrases that are like fresh paint on the wall, the glances that are like brand new lenses, each and every one of the bye-byes and the lovoos from ever being washed away in the fortune of memories while we continue this glorious on-and-ever-onward movement forward.


(This entry was actually written three months ago, ages in babe-time, and saved in the rabbit-files to rest among so many tied-up clusters of forgotten words. Not sure why I happened to stumble upon it this morning—must've been gifted enough space to loiter and sift. I am just now thinking about how amazingly easy it is to mine for gems during this time in life, how many things she is doing that I wanted to note and add to this entry. But I let this little found-paragraph remain as it was originally—just held it up a little closer to the light.)

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